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usefulness tears

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Friday, March 18, 2011 | 1:42 AM

Benefits Of Crying

The only living organisms that are able to shed their sorrows and frustration through tears are human beings. Crying is a common human experience and has been a part of every culture and civilization throughout history. Traumatic events, loneliness, prolonged stress, loss of life and property, pain, and daily hassles of life often trigger the process of crying. Many times, people drop tears of joy, happiness, and relief. Although crying occurs due to feelings of sorrow and distress, but once the process of crying is over, they experience a good feeling of releasing unpleasant emotions. Research done on the effects of crying indicates that in most instances, crying is quite beneficial to the human minds and body. The many benefits of crying include:

1.Removes toxins form the body.
Crying helps the body to get rid of waste material, toxins and other harmful substances from the body. These substances would otherwise remain inside and might cause harm to the internal system

2.Preventing the occurrence of depression.
Most people get depressed because their emotions could not be expressed at the right time and got suppressed inside their minds. Crying prevents the suppression of a person’s emotions and is one of the healthiest ways to come out of them. Crying also improves the state of people who are already depressed and make them feel better

3.Lifts your mood:
If your mood is low due to physical or emotional pain, crying stimulates the release of endorphins. These are hormones which help to elevate mood and also act as pain killers. Due to the release of these hormones people usually feel better after crying.

4.Beneficial for the eyes.
The tear glands present in the eyes continuously produce tears in small quantities. Blinking of the eyes spread these tears evenly over the surface of eyes. This helps in cleaning and lubrication of the eyes.

5.Prevents bacterial growth.
Tears contain a chemical component known as Lysozyme. This chemical inhibits the growth of bacteria on the surface of the eyes. Some portions of tears that come out of the eyes evaporate, but remaining tears through the tear duct drain into the nose. These help to keep the nose moist and lysozyme present in the tears inhibits the growth of bacteria inside the nose.

6.Helps in relaxation.
Once a person stops crying, the body shifts from a high arousal state to state of relaxation. Heart rate and breathing slows down, sweating decreases and person feels more relaxed. The state of relaxation lasts for a longer duration than the moments spent in crying.

So next time when you are unhappy stressed or depressed, find a friend’s shoulder and cry for some time. It will not only reduce your unhappiness and stress, but also make you positive towards solving the issue.
1:42 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

The benefits of crying

Crying is often the result of feelings of sadness and frustration, but after crying many people experience a feeling of release and catharsis (Byslma, 2008).  Humans are the only species that shed tears emotionally.  Crying is something that all people of all ages and cultures do (Hendriks, 2008).  Since crying is a trait that has evolved solely in humans, there must be some sort of evolutionary advantage to emotional crying.  Many studies have been done which examine the effect that crying has on the body, and most of them have actually found that crying actually has a negative impact physiologically (Hendriks, 2008).  However, many people including psychologists have always believed that crying is good for you (Hendriks, 2008).  Perhaps crying  developed evolutionarily for a non-physiological reason.  “Attachment Theory” suggests that crying is a behavior that is natural to humans from birth.  As an infant, babies learn that crying will result in comforting, which creates a relationship bond.  This behavior is continued to create attachments in life (Hendriks, 2008).

Dr. Oren Hasson, a professor at Tel Aviv University, recently conducted a study in which he studied different types of crying and the benefits of crying.  He speculated that the evolutionary advantage of crying comes from crying with your peers.  When you cry, you show vulnerability because your vision is blurred.  This allows someone who cares about you to take care of you while you are in a weakened state. According to Hasson, this is beneficial to both the caretaker and receiver because it creates a stronger relationship bond.  This means that a positive comes out of the negative situation which caused the crying in the first place.

A group of professors at the University of South Florida collected over 3000 personal accounts of crying episodes. These accounts were memories of crying that did not occur in a controlled laboratory setting.  The survey found that about two thirds of the people felt better after crying than they had before.  The people who had been comforted while crying were usually the ones who reported that crying gave them this feeling of relief.  The study also found that testing the affects of crying in a laboratory setting does not produce the same affects.  Cornelius also found that when subjects cried in a formal experiment they often reported feeling worse afterward (Bylsma, 2008). However, this can be explained by the lab setting.  If crying is induced, it will not be accompanied by the same emotional release that it would in real life.  Also, even if the person crying is comforted, it will not have the same value and bonding affect because it is not as genuine.

To understand the effects of crying, it is helpful to understand what happens in our bodies when we cry.  The part of the body that produces tears is called the lacrimal system (Vingerhoets, Cornelius, Van Heck, & Becht, 2000).  The lacrimal system is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.  Together these make up the autonomic nervous system. The lacrimal nucleus is located in the brain stem, and it has connections to many parts of the brain.  One of these is the hypothalamus, which is connected to many emotional systems in the body.  When the lacrimal nucleus is stimulated through one of these connections, it leads to crying (Vinherhoets, et al.,  2000).  While the actual crying is going on, the psychologists at University of South Florida report that lab subjects do not experience a feeling of release.  However, if they are comforted, the emotional benefit of this bonding will create the more positive feeling reported by so many after crying.

So, if you are feeling upset and stressed out, the best thing to do may be to find a friend’s shoulder to have a good cry on.
1:41 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Do not Let the Children Cry

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Monday, March 14, 2011 | 1:37 AM

When your baby cries in the middle of his sleep at night, you should immediately calm him down, or ignored? The attitude of ignoring the cries of the children claimed would cause some problems in later life, such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), antisocial behavior, and low IQ. But is there any scientific evidence that shows that letting children cry while sleeping can cause long term brain damage?

This may be associated with sleep training method that implemented Dr. William Sears, Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine. Dr. Sears approach emphasizes child-centered parenting. He recommends parents to patiently help the kids to bed on time. You do this by sleeping with her, build a comfortable night's sleep rituals, and other forms of physical proximity to create a positive atmosphere of sleep, and healthy sleep habits forever. In this way, children will not have a chance to cry, because parents are always there near the child to respond to their need for food or comfort.

This method is contrary to the sleep training techniques that apply the CIO (Cry It Out), which states that a crying baby alone for a short time, but occasionally be visited his parents, will not experience trauma. It is the children who have a good time off, and happier. Strategy sleep without tears, according to CIO techniques, will cause the baby to be too dependent on the convenience provided by his parents, the child makes it difficult to learn to push themselves to sleep.

Other parenting instructor, Elizabeth Pantley (author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution) that supports Dr. Sears, consider that allowing a child alone and crying in her room is an attitude that is not natural, less good, and betrayed the trust that has been developed in adults and children of the world in the vicinity. Dr. Sears also said that the technique CIO will establish a negative association in children about bedtime, which will last throughout his life. Babies often cry possibility of showing early signs that they are slow in developing emotional control.

Unfortunately, there is no evidence that strengthens this far, so it can be said that none of the sleep strategy is effective for every child, even for a child forever. You are free to apply the personal care option for you, by recognizing the child, be flexible, and seek what is most appropriate for you both.

For Heather Turgeon, psychotherapist at the Pump Station, Los Angeles, be responsive and caring are the main job of parents. Accompany the child to sleep is the most natural parenting and baby probably programmed to grow in this way. Most parents would want a child who is quite independent, and do not have a bedtime routine that ends with the trauma every night. If you can not accompany the child for longer, if the moments when you let her cry can alter brain development? He was not sure, but more often chose to meet the needs of her child.
1:37 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Brother and sister fight

One of the frequent tantrums our children  are fighting with their own siblings. This act is certain to make us dizzy. The way out of what should we choose?

According to Dr Richard C Woolfson, who wrote the book Why My son soon?, causes of quarrel siblings are jealous. A study even reinforcing it by saying that the quarrel is also associated with a range of age siblings are too close.

Appropriate punishment we give to our children is to prohibit both watch television, either the brother or sister. It could also prohibit them to enjoy a snack that we keep in the kitchen. Instead, they must complete the task we give. For example, requiring them to tidy up toys and put them in a toy store in working together.

However, it does not mean in every fight we have to intervene because of the small quarrel is not our capacity to intervene. Let them solve their own problems and apologized to each other. If not, the consequences they could no longer play or joking together. In fact, I can not share what they have.
1:36 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Do not Cry, baby

Start annoyed if all issues end with crying. So, do not be surprised if he often did not care when you cry. Curious to know what's on her mind when she saw you cry? Consider the words of their hearts.

"We feel jealous"
The man said: "Since the small, our parents always say 'boys should not cry'. We have been taught that crying will make us weak creatures. That is the reason why we do not like playing feeling. Actually we can also weep. The difference, expression of feelings that we do at a particular time and place. Sometimes we feel jealous of women who can cry as he recounted all its problems. Not like us who have megubur feelings of deep sadness. "

Until whenever, he always required a person who's tough and strong. Dr. William A. Barry from Saint Paul Ramos Medical Centre stated that the factors strongly influence the adaptation of civilization means employed men and women in expressing his feelings. Most people are more receptive than when she saw women crying at seeing a man cry.

"We are perplexed"
The man said: "Frankly, we are often confused with the habits of women who cry easily. Because when we observe, they do not only cry when overwhelmed with a big problem, but also crying by the things that we consider trivial, such as watching movies romance drama. More confused again, if they cry for no apparent reason and just said 'what's baseball, really, just want to cry alone'. We can not read women's minds. Weakness is what ultimately makes us puzzled to determine what actions can we do to helping and comforting them. "

So, do not misunderstand when the he was speechless when she saw you cry. Not because no matter, it's just that men sometimes do not understand what has made you cry. How could act, just do not understand. Remember, they are different from us. Do not expect them always to understand the sign language that we submit. Straight to the point it has become civilized they long ago.

"We care"
The man said: "Although more use logic, but we still use 20 percent feeling in the face of problems. We also can feel sad when a friend of women, especially our partner, to cry because of an obvious problem, not solely because he was experiencing bad hair day. Moreover, if they are crying because of our actions have hurt them. We will certainly be deeply felt guilty if not able to help and soothe them back. We could be a creature who is very concerned if it is desired. The message to the women; weep if indeed necessary and do not overdo it. "

In essence, the ability to explain the problems that make you sit up crying was not going to make him hesitate to help you out of trouble. Especially if they who have made you cry, without further ado, the good guy usually will immediately apologize and correct his mistakes. So, good communication is key.

"We're annoyed"
The man said: "This is something that can make us no longer care to see women cry, by the time they melakuakn errors and cried when asked to explain. If this is a way for women to cover up his mistake and assume that the crying can make us feel sympathy and pity, they are wrong. We know that women can cry a little to relieve our emotion, but if in such a situation, might our emotions getting jumped and finally left without a reason. We consider this attitude pretty childish. For us, the problem must be solved adult, not a whimper. "

Apparently not all crying can solve the problem, yes. If indeed you do wrong, just admit your mistakes and apologize. Never try to find fault with them if you do not want the problem to grow worse. Good attitude to not repeat the mistakes were enough to make him understand.
1:34 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Weep so You Do not Stress

Whether you are someone who easily cry? Not only the face of death the people closest to, but also when watching a sad movie, hear the stories of friends being bad, or hit by problems at work?

The crying is often seen as a weakness. With a cry, a person is often considered weak, not strong, and so forth. Crying is seen as a sign of one's soul that fragile or easy to pity. However, it turns out crying can also be seen from the health side.

"Crying is a wonderful thing. This is a sign of strength and authenticity, not a sign of weakness," says Judith Orloff, MD, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA and author of the book Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life. He not only studied the emotional impact of the crying, but also physical health benefits. "This is a function of natural healing."

That is, to cry, you can actually become healthier, according to Orloff. What are the benefits in terms of health?

Tears of a natural way of our body to process stress. Physically, it tears like sea water, salty liquid that helps lubricate the eye and drive turbulence stress hormones and other toxins. In various studies, the cries also cause us to produce endorphins, hormones that give a sense of fun.

However, what is the situation like that can cause a weeping regarded as something healthy?

Grief and loss, for example. If you lose your loved ones, crying is the only way to release a sadness. If you insist on not cry in situations like that, it will only cause you depression.

To know when you might need to cry, you need to identify the five major causes of stress and frustration in your life. You can write on a piece of paper. Then you have to associate these emotions at an event so you can see the trigger. After having this awareness, you will be able to manage emotions better.
1:33 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

How Crying Healthy

a researcher in Israel find out aspects of the evolution of crying. He speculated, crying is a way to communicate the weakness of self to others because of tears when crying interrupted views and make yourself without a defense. People who care and there when you're crying can bring emotion in between you and him.

How to get a healthy cry:
The researchers found that in order to make the crying has a healthful effect for emotional health, it takes certain conditions, among others:
* You must have people to lean back and lamented. People who get support are reported to have wept when cleaning emotions better than those who weep alone. Try to find friends or loved ones who can empathize with the problem you experienced.

* After the crying, it would be better if you managed to find a solution to the problem. We'll feel better when we cry over an existing problem solutions. If you cry before you deal with situations that make you want to cry, you tend to be difficult to achieve the result of crying, or even make yourself feel worse.

* You need to ensure that you cry in the right place. Those who feel embarrassed when I cry, according to a report, do not feel the cleanliness of emotion or mood improvement. If you feel embarrassed to cry in public or in front of some people, you should hold the tears that, go to a safer place, for example, toilets.

* Cries also will not provide relief if you have mental problems, such as depression or excessive anxiety. If you find that you feel even worse after crying, you should see a doctor or therapist to see if you indeed have a psychological problem.
1:32 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Secret Behind Men Cry

Women want a sensitive man as well as strong. Most people, especially due to the values ​​in the family, consider a man cry like finding the weakness of men. Men are always expected to be strong even to hold his emotions, not as a free woman crying to express emotion.

"Men tend to change over 20 years ago. Gender roles are not as tight as the past, and changes in economic levels make some men do not show the side of macho. Men are also easily express his emotions by crying. Yet many people still can not accept this change, and this is why guy gets no sympathy when crying, "said clinical psychologist, Michael Diamond, PhD, who is also the author of My Father Before Me.

The more mature age men, they tend to be more comfortable with themselves, and have a more forward orientation relationship with higher sensitivity. Men become do not care what people say if saw him cry, as long as feels comfortable, therefore, added Diamond. This character can also be seen as a power guy.

Nonverbal expert Joe Navarro, author of Louder Than Words discover the meaning behind crying when he watched the scene when some world leaders to cry, such as:
* Wyclef Jean (actor / singer), reacts with tears when allegations came in action behind the charity. Her eyes show how this man fighting the pain of deep, Navarro analysis.

* Roger Federer, tennis player who lost in his last match in 2008. This man looked down to show deep emotion, eyes and nose red. This only happens when he actually cried.

* President Barack Obama, a day after the death of his grandmother. Changes to his face showing deep sadness.

* South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, who wept after admitting the affair. Emotions that emerge having been caught cheating and emotional because they feel guilty difficult to distinguish, and this is what emerged in tears.
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